Monday, January 31, 2011

ch 5 R.O.B.

Russ and Chappie are up in a room, locked inside and on the other side of the door is the biker gang. then out of nowhere Russ brings out a blunt and he says, "If we're trapped in here, might as well make the most of it!" Chappie agrees and pulls out a lighter and he goes to strike the lighter and a flickery flame appeared. He lit the blunt and began to get high, in the process some smokey remains caught the curtains on fire and they saw it as a way out. Bruce smelled the smoke coming out of the room and he bashed down the door. As that door flew open he didn't see Russ or Chappie, they were behind the door. They figured that Russ and Chappie escaped through the window so as soon as they left searching for them, Russ and Chappie made a break for the front door. they heard a yell from someone behind them saying, "There they go, GET EM!" Thry made a dash for Russ' car and hopped inside. They started to drive off as they pass Bruce and the biker gang, as they speed past them, Bruce threw a brick at the car and broke the rear window. So they drove off peacefully, with no rear window to keep out the night chills.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

rule of the bone ch 3

Chapter 3 was weird... Didn't any sense to me. Why would Chappie think Buster was Canadian? Chappie says all these characteristics about Canadians and how his stepfather is a perfect example of a Canadian, yet when he compares Buster to his stepfather they aren't simlar at all. The story sounds like it was made-up to me. To have names like Buster and Froggy the Gremlin... sounds childish to me. Since Chappie tends to over react to situations, I'm guessing that the little girl was the Canadian's daughter just getting lunch. The security guard and his stepfather both thrive off of embarressing Chappie, they go out of their way to lower Chappie's self esteem. When in reality the security guard used Chappie for weed and the stepfather uses Chappie for his mom.

40 percent of those who started drinking at age 13 or younger developed alcohol dependence later in life. Ten percent of teens who began drinking after the age of 17 developed dependence.

Teens that drink are 50 times more likely to use cocaine than teens who never consume alcohol.
20 percent of 8th graders report that they have tried marijuana.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

nelsons first assignment R.O.B.

The "xmas fantasy" to me showed a different side to Chappie, it showed a loving and caring side to this rebel character. He realizes that he misses his family and wishes he could go back home to their love. His fantasy is actually the complete opposite of the way he acts in real life. In his fantasy he buys his family all these gifts with no wishes to get gifts in return, yet in real life he is getting caught for shop lifting. I think deep down Chappie is a nice kid, but he is just in with the wrong crowd. His friend Russ is the main influence in his life, which isn't doing any good for himself.
        I feel like chappie is immature and has a tendency to over react. To have gone through all these experiences at only 14 is crazy! He still has a lot of groing up to do and he has plenty of time for that at only 14 years old.

  • 75 percent of runaways are female

  • 46 percent of runaway and homeless youth reported being physically abused, 38 percent reported being emotionally abused , and 17 percent reported being forced into unwanted sexual activity by a family or household member

  • 75 percent of homeless or runaway youth have dropped out or will drop out of school