Monday, January 31, 2011

ch 5 R.O.B.

Russ and Chappie are up in a room, locked inside and on the other side of the door is the biker gang. then out of nowhere Russ brings out a blunt and he says, "If we're trapped in here, might as well make the most of it!" Chappie agrees and pulls out a lighter and he goes to strike the lighter and a flickery flame appeared. He lit the blunt and began to get high, in the process some smokey remains caught the curtains on fire and they saw it as a way out. Bruce smelled the smoke coming out of the room and he bashed down the door. As that door flew open he didn't see Russ or Chappie, they were behind the door. They figured that Russ and Chappie escaped through the window so as soon as they left searching for them, Russ and Chappie made a break for the front door. they heard a yell from someone behind them saying, "There they go, GET EM!" Thry made a dash for Russ' car and hopped inside. They started to drive off as they pass Bruce and the biker gang, as they speed past them, Bruce threw a brick at the car and broke the rear window. So they drove off peacefully, with no rear window to keep out the night chills.

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