Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Before Columbus found Jamaica which was in 1494, they were based on fishing, hunting, and small scale cultivation of cassava. They disappeared in 70-80 years because of their contact with the Spanish. It traumatized them. The Spanish used Jamaica as a base for supporting the conquest of the Americas. The British captured Jamaica in 1655. The Spanish didn't really care. They did very little to help support it. The British then decided to import Africans over for their sugar plantations. The Jamaican colony depended so heavily on international trade that when the American war of Independence disrupted their trade 15,000 of slaves died of starvation.

        I-Man and the Bong Brothers are similar in certain ways. They both ignore Chappie and don't really care for Chappie. Life with I-Man in his bus was a very chill life. They smoked a lot and grew vegetables. Life with the bikers was like Chappie didn't even exist. He felt secluded from the group, where I-Man treated him like family.

Haile Selassie- was a defining figure in both Ethiopian and African history. He is referred to as the returned Messiah of the bible. He led a future Golden age of eternal peace.
Rastafarianism- Believe in the judeo-christian God, Jah. True Rastas are believed to be imooirtal both spiritually and physically.
Bob Marley- Famous musician. Felt strongly about his beliefs.
Malcolm X- Stood up for black people's rights.

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