Tuesday, March 1, 2011

R.O.B. #5 Coming of Age

Coming of age is when a character transforms from being a child into adulthood. When that persons show signs of maturity and change.

"The guy's kind of sick, dont' you think? He's like a pervert. you know what I'm saying?"
Chappie is trying to open up to his mom and talk to her about how Ken molested him and that she shouldn't be with him.
"It's Ken who's the problem, not me."
Chappie is trying to tell his mom that Ken isn't who she thinks he is. That he is a sick person and has issues.
"Not if it's the three of us"
Chappie is making his mother choose between him or Ken. He is tired of all the bull and wants it to just be him and his mom.
My Life- A coming of the age experiance for me was when my Papa Tomato died. He was sick with ALS for about two years. We took care of him in his final days and i was there when he passed. I was 14 and it made me realize what you have today might not be there tomorrow.

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