Monday, March 7, 2011

R.O.B. #7

       My reaction to chapter 19, i was sad and shocked about I-Mans death. I felt bad for Chappie because I-Man was his only true friend and father figure. Now all Chappie had left was his mom who didn't want him, his father who doesn't give a rats ass about him, and Russ who was always a lousy friend. I kind of saw this happening to I-Man because he did cross the line and i believe that karma will always catch up to you and that's exactly what happened to I-Man. This is typical for the Bone because everything that is important to Chappie always ends up leaving him or he loses what is important to him.

      Well a Man's inhumanity to man plays a huge role in Rule of the Bone, Chappie is always losing someone or something that is important to him and because of this he always has a reason to be mourning. First his dad left him, then his mom chooses Ken over him, then he is reunited with his father and he doesn't even care for Chappie, then I-Man dies. Chappie's life is a constant tragedy and he is forced to mourn for most of his life.

      I feel like I-Man is responsible for his death ultimately. I-Man is the one who slept with Evening Star. Sure Chappie told is dad about it, but none of this wouldn't have happened if I-Man never slept with her. Especially since I-Man knew about Papa Doc and his history he was taunting Papa Doc and daring him to kill him. That's what i believe anyways...Karma is always out to get you.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

R.O.B. #6

      The birthday wasn't so much for Chappie, it was more for people that wanted to go and get high. No one there knew Chappie except I-Man and his father that he barely knows. What's missing is the feeling of his close friends and family and the warm surrounding of love. I think Bone was expecting just enough, he waishes that his dad would care for him and treat him like a son.

      Chappie learns that his dad is really just a druggie and a self-centered bastard. My first impression of Evening Star was that she is a SLUT!!!!! She had sex with I-Man and then moments later she goes up to Papa Doc and sleeps with him too!!!

R.O.B. #5 Coming of Age

Coming of age is when a character transforms from being a child into adulthood. When that persons show signs of maturity and change.

"The guy's kind of sick, dont' you think? He's like a pervert. you know what I'm saying?"
Chappie is trying to open up to his mom and talk to her about how Ken molested him and that she shouldn't be with him.
"It's Ken who's the problem, not me."
Chappie is trying to tell his mom that Ken isn't who she thinks he is. That he is a sick person and has issues.
"Not if it's the three of us"
Chappie is making his mother choose between him or Ken. He is tired of all the bull and wants it to just be him and his mom.
My Life- A coming of the age experiance for me was when my Papa Tomato died. He was sick with ALS for about two years. We took care of him in his final days and i was there when he passed. I was 14 and it made me realize what you have today might not be there tomorrow.
Before Columbus found Jamaica which was in 1494, they were based on fishing, hunting, and small scale cultivation of cassava. They disappeared in 70-80 years because of their contact with the Spanish. It traumatized them. The Spanish used Jamaica as a base for supporting the conquest of the Americas. The British captured Jamaica in 1655. The Spanish didn't really care. They did very little to help support it. The British then decided to import Africans over for their sugar plantations. The Jamaican colony depended so heavily on international trade that when the American war of Independence disrupted their trade 15,000 of slaves died of starvation.

        I-Man and the Bong Brothers are similar in certain ways. They both ignore Chappie and don't really care for Chappie. Life with I-Man in his bus was a very chill life. They smoked a lot and grew vegetables. Life with the bikers was like Chappie didn't even exist. He felt secluded from the group, where I-Man treated him like family.

Haile Selassie- was a defining figure in both Ethiopian and African history. He is referred to as the returned Messiah of the bible. He led a future Golden age of eternal peace.
Rastafarianism- Believe in the judeo-christian God, Jah. True Rastas are believed to be imooirtal both spiritually and physically.
Bob Marley- Famous musician. Felt strongly about his beliefs.
Malcolm X- Stood up for black people's rights.